VintageChop Bars online now

My new bars are online now for you good people to purchase. for the time being its just my Simple Gibbons and my Belly Bars.

All bars are made by me, by hand, to order. Please bear this in mind. Each and every pair is made with love so takes a little time. Custom bars are generally dispatched within the week.

click the link to the right or here

custom bent bars made in the UK

if you arent lucky enough to be the winner of the custom bars competition. Heres the lowdown

Custom bars are bent to spec & bent to order. 1" or 7/8. My custom bent bars cost £75 in raw steel or £90 powder coated.

Win FREE custom handlebars

To help promote my new custom bar bending service im giving away a set for free in the UK.
just click this LINK like vintagechop & share the picture to be entered